Rabbi Doniel Staum, LMSW
Rabbi, Kehillat New Hempstead
Rebbe/Guidance Counselor – ASHAR
Principal – Ohr Naftoli- New Windsor
BO 5776
During the Communist regime in Russia ,
Rav Yaakov Galinsky zt’l, the beloved maggid from B’nei B’rak, was imprisoned
in Siberia . Every morning he and the others in
his unit would be marched off to backbreaking slave labor. When they returned
at nightfall, they would collapse from sheer exhaustion. Days and nights merged
and there was no relief from their dismal existence. Among the prisoners in
their unit was a distinguished-looking gentile gentleman, who somehow managed
to retain his dignity, even in that purgatory.
night, while everyone was sleeping, Rabbi Galinskly was awakened by the sound
of faint movement. He saw this prisoner arise, and from under the mattress,
remove a packet with what appeared to be medals. He then took out a mirror,
studied himself, whispered a few words, saluted, removed the medals and
returned them to the package, and went back to sleep.
Rabbi Galinsky waited to see if the bizarre ritual would be repeated the
following night. When it indeed did, Rabbi Galinsky decided to ask the man for
an explanation. The man turned ashen; he was terribly agitated at having been
But Rabbi Galisnky reassured him that his intention was never to betray him.
Rather, it was only to understand what he was doing.
“The man confided that, prior to his arrest, he had been a general in the
Polish army. He explained that in the dehumanization of Siberia ,
it's easy to lose sight of who one really is. “So I made myself a promise.
Every night, I would put on my medals, look in the mirror, and remind myself who
I really am."
When Rabbi Galinsky heard the man’s explanation he began to cry. “Surely, this
is a message to me. If this man goes to such lengths to remember that he was a
general in the Polish army, what must I do to remind myself that I stood
at Sinai, that I heard the voice of G-d, and that I belong to the nation that
sealed His covenant, that I am part of Mamleches Kohanim, a
priestly kingdom; Goy Kadosh, a holy nation."
Klal Yisroel began to prepare for their imminent exodus from Egypt, G-d
instructed Moshe to relate to the people a most unique command: "Please
speak in the ears of the people: Let each man request of his fellow and each
woman from her fellow silver vessels and gold vessels.[2]" When the Jews fulfilled
this commandment they became extremely wealthy, and they left Egypt with most
of the country’s wealth.
command was a fulfillment of G-d’s promise to Avraham "Afterwards[3] they will leave with great
wealth[4]". In fact, the Talmud
makes the point that G-d had to "request" of Moshe that he
"please speak in the ears of the people" so that it not be said that
the years of slavery were endured but the promise of great wealth was not
one ponders what transpired it is simply mind-boggling. The Jews had been
incarcerated in a relentlessly oppressive and unbearable servitude for
generations. For over two centuries they had been born and died with a slave
mentality, knowing nothing other than servility and degradation. We can well
imagine that they possessed a deeply ingrained fear of their former oppressors.
Now they were instructed to knock on their former master's doors and emphatically
declare that they wanted them to give over all of their most prized
did they have to receive the wealth of Egypt in this manner? Why did G-d instruct
us to receive everything by "borrowing" it and not returning it?
exodus was far more than a means to physical liberation. The burgeoning nation understood
that they were destined for the ultimate greatness, which they achieved a mere
seven weeks after the exodus when they stood at Sinai and received the Torah.
Torah could not be given to a group of ‘liberated slaves’. Those who would
accept the Torah and represent all future generations had to have a strong
sense of pride and uncompromised dignity. They had to be people of august
stature and regal bearing who had the ability to appreciate their inherent
greatness, as well as the profundity of what they were receiving.
ex-con who was incarcerated for decades, doesn’t walk out of jail and become president
of the country two months later. But essentially Klal Yisroel had to do just
the Jews had merely received compensation in a miraculous manner after centuries
of oppression and bitter enslavement, it would not have given them back the
self-esteem that was depleted during the years of brutal slavery. It did not
suffice to merely leave Egypt
with their money; they had to leave with their pride as well. For that it was
necessary for them to overcome their intense fear and knock on the doors of their
former masters and to demand all of their wealth. It was for that reason that
G-d commanded them to request the wealth as a loan. They had to ask for it with
the same confidence as one who asks his trusted friend for a loan.
very process of the plagues helped undermine and destroy the fear that the
former slaves had of their former captors. G-d could have easily brought one
massive plague to destroy Egypt
in one fell swoop, compelling Pharaoh to drive the Jews out immediately[5]. But G-d purposely did not do
so. Throughout the period of the plagues the Jews saw their former tormentors
in the most compromising, humiliating, and debased positions and situations,
which had a strong effect in mitigating their sense of awe for them. The act of
borrowing their money was yet another step in that progression.
the final plague struck Egypt ,
Moshe instructed the nation about the final procedures and commandments to be
fulfilled in Egypt .
This included all men circumcising themselves, as well as the preparation and
offering of the Paschal Lamb.
lamb was one of the gods of Egypt .
The Jews had to select their lamb four days prior to slaughtering it, and then tie
it to their bed posts. When the Egyptians heard the lambs inside the Jewish homes
they asked about the peculiar scene. The Jews informed them of their intention
to slaughter their god. Such a deed was tantamount to a concentration camp
inmate burning an effigy of Hitler in full view of his comrades[6]. It was the ultimate act of
the Jews finally did slaughter the lambs they were commanded to gather the
blood and to ritually smear it along their doorposts. In doing so, the Jews demonstrated
their pride that “this is a Jewish home”. What had for years been a sign of degradation
and debasement, had now become a symbol of glory. The Jews were only too proud
to promulgate the fact that they were members of the Jewish nation. This was
the ultimate symbol of the incredible and uncanny transformation that had
occurred within the Jewish psyche.
the time they traversed the physical confines of Egypt at the behest of Pharaoh,
Klal Yisroel had already been transformed into a spiritual and psychological
nation of free men, who were now ready to commence their ascent to ultimate greatness.
Bo has many timeless lessons (as does every verse in the Torah), but if we were
to search for one lesson that Parshas Bo teaches us, it is the lesson of Jewish
pride. Before the nation could leave Egypt they had to have a strong
sense of identity and mission.
Bo concludes with the commandment of tefillin. “And it shall be for a sign on
your arm, and an ornament between your eyes, for with a strong hand G-d removed
us from Egypt .”
One of the meanings contained in the idea that G-d delivered us with “a Strong
Hand” is that He caused the exodus to unfold in a manner which ensured the
rebuilding of our dignity. The tefillin which every adult male wears every
weekday morning is a testimony to our pride in being members of the Chosen Nation.
It is insufficient to be a Jew in action; one must be a Jew intellectually and
emotionally as well, utilizing his mind and heart. That is the symbolism of the
holiday of Pesach, as well as our constant mentioning of the exodus, serves as
a reminder, not merely of our physical salvation, but of the
spiritual/emotional/psychological salvation as well.
the Pesach Seder we declare that had G-d not redeemed us from Egypt , “we, our sons, and our son’s sons would
still be enslaved to Pharaoh in Egypt .”
The commentators question the veracity of that statement. Wasn’t it possible
that a future benevolent ruler would have freed us from servitude? The answer
is that while it is true that we may have been physically freed, but if G-d had
not redeemed us utilizing the process He used, on a spiritual level we would
still be enslaved. We would not have been able to overcome the slave mentality
and we surely could never have been ready to accept the Torah.
the conclusion of our recitation of Maggid at the Seder we state, “Therefore, it
is our duty to thank, praise, pay tribute, glorify, extol, exalt, bless and
acclaim the One who performed all these miracles for our fathers and us.” It is
not only our forefathers who benefited from the exodus. The pride that we feel
as Jews who uphold the banner of Torah and mitzvos is directly attributable to
the miraculous and schematic unfolding of the exodus.
each man request silver vessels and gold vessels”
sign on your arm, and an ornament between your eyes”
[1] Based on
the pre-mussaf speech I was privileged to deliver at Kehillat New Hempstead,
Shabbos Kodesh parshas Bo 5769
[2] Shemos 11:2
[3] i.e. – after the fulfillment of their allotted enslavement
[4] Bereishis 15:14
[5]Had G-d
wanted He could have caused an even stronger earthquake to decimate Egypt in
The Vilna Gaon writes that the intent of the first
nine plagues was never to get the Jews out of Egypt
but rather to teach the Jews specific lessons of faith, as well as to serve as
retribution against Egypt .
It was only the final plague that was brought to cause the exodus, which in
fact transpired the next morning.
[6] In America ,
perhaps it is tantamount to burning money - the American god. As the saying
goes, “In G-d we trust; all others pay cash.”
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